
Emily’s coaching helped me accomplish a huge goal: of preparing for a 300 person wedding at my home in under 8 weeks – peacefully, conflict free, and able to fully enter into the joy of the day.

Rhea F. Educator & Math Tutor

"Emily’s coaching helped me accomplish a huge goal of preparing for a 300 person wedding at my home in under 8 weeks. Without Emily’s coaching, I might have accomplished my task but there would have been little peace and much dissension. With her insightful coaching, I was able to transform our home and land into a beautiful and hospitable venue while still remaining joyful. Emily gave me some excellent tools during the preparation so that I was able to fully enter into the joy of the day.

My sessions with Emily have been hugely beneficial. She ""hears into"" what I'm saying and she reflects them back to me in a way that is beneficial and clear.

She is like a value-added mirror that shines light on the issues that I need to address but even more importantly highlights the good attributes and goals that I want to achieve.

She doesn't let me breeze past my wins and accomplishments, but gently urges me to dwell on them. She celebrates those wins with me so that I get more energy to accomplish greater things.

Emily doesn't suggest the things that I need to do to move forward. She guides me in finding out the solutions that will work for me and be satisfactory to my particular neuro-diversity. If there is ever a suggestion, she is gracious in asking whether she can give that suggestion and every time that she has given the suggestion it has been beneficial and useful.

Emily has cultivated a delightful balance of professionalism and friendliness. The professionalism makes it so that our conversations don't devolve into chit chat and the friendliness helps me feel free and secure to open up.

Emily is conscientious about helping to lighten the burdens that I bring to our sessions. She helps me to jettison the needless burdens and redistribute the important tasks so that I can move forward with a manageable load.

Again, I have benefited greatly from the coaching sessions with Emily!"

Emily is all you could possibly hope for in a coach. It's a complete treat to work with her.

Ed T. Art Director

"Emily is all you could possibly hope for in a coach: She will truly listen to you and take great care to understand - and work hard - on your behalf. She is exceptionally sharp, shrewd, perceptive and extremely knowledgeable while also being incredibly empathetic and endlessly positive. It's a complete treat to work with her."

Emily’s coaching allowed me to feel confident and prepared going into the interview - it went so well that I was offered the position on the spot!

Isabelle R. Architect

“Emily is an excellent coach. I met with her to prepare for a big interview at a defining moment in my career. Her coaching helped me to understand how my skills and personality came across in an interview setting, and what areas I could work on to highlight my strengths. She is an engaged listener and provides excellent feedback and guidance. Emily’s coaching allowed me to feel confident and prepared going into the interview - it went so well that I was offered the position on the spot!”

I sought out Emily after really struggling with motivation and concentration over the winter lockdown period. Emily really helped me understand and cope with ADHD. It was educational, interesting and involved practical strategies that I've managed to put into action.

Graham M. Entrepreneur

"I sought out Emily after really struggling with motivation and concentration over the winter lockdown period. I've never been diagnosed with ADHD but talking to friends and family I'm certain I possess many of the traits associated with the condition.

After fortnightly meetings over Zoom, Emily really helped me understand and cope with ADHD, utilising various strategies. It was educational, interesting and involved practical advice that I've managed to put into action. I would recommend if you've been struggling!"

I started working with Emily because I had been newly diagnosed with ADHD. Emily helped me find clarity on how to focus and prioritise in my business and my life going forward.

Sandra V. Teacher & ADHD Education Consultant

"I really enjoyed working with Emily and right away we hit it off. She made me feel very comfortable right from the start.

I started working with Emily because I had been newly diagnosed with ADHD, and was really keen to get some clarity on what I needed to focus on going forward in my business and my life.

I struggled with prioritisation and I knew that I had a lot of things I wanted to complete for September when I launched my website.

Emily helped me figure out a good strategy to organise my thoughts and tasks so I could get things done on time.

One thing that she reminded me to do which I really appreciated was remembering to celebrate my wins more which is something I am trying to add more of in my life.

I look forward to working with Emily again soon, she’s been so helpful!"

Emily really helped me understand my ADHD better, and how to manage its limits and make the most of its upsides. She brought an array of practical tools to our sessions and helped me devise detailed strategies to cope with some of my particular challenges, and kept me on-track when I needed it. I always left a session with Emily feeling ready to take on the world!

Marc S. Writer and Editor

"Emily was a pleasure to work with. She really helped me understand my ADHD better, and how to manage its limits and make the most of its upsides. She brought an array of practical tools to our sessions and helped me devise detailed strategies to cope with some of my particular challenges, and kept me on-track when I needed it. I always left a session with Emily feeling ready to take on the world!"

I considered myself highly tricky to coach being a certified coach myself… Emily is by far the best coach I have had, and the results I achieved in just 10 weeks are astonishing.

Anne F-C. Coach

"I started working with Emily when I felt "my train" was at an end station and I had nowhere to go.

My youngest child went to college a year ago, I have old parents, and a coaching business that I felt less than passionate about… and my husband wants to sell our home and move somewhere else (in the world…). Very little felt right.

I considered myself highly tricky to coach, being a certified coach myself. It was with excitement that I discovered how clever Emily was in her coaching of me. Her curiosity for learning is unstoppable!

I looked forward to our weekly sessions as Emily was able to unlock something within me almost every session, being knowledgeable and an excellent empathetic listener.

Emily’s personality and nature invites you to explore “self"". She is also amazing at bringing the conversation back on track when I go on a rant, not wasting valuable time.

Emily is by far the best coach I have had, and the results I achieved in just 10 weeks are astonishing.

I got clarity, I got a plan, and I took significant actions.

Not only have I left the station, but I have also acquired a locomotion in full steam up the hill to new territories - I look forward to Emily, keeping me accountable."

Emily coaches you to come to your own conclusions, and create your own powerful yet personal methods using your ADHD strengths to tackle issues, more quickly and accurately then if you were working out a challenge on your own. This is powerful because you are connected to the solution, as opposed to just following a list. These methods work because they have been designed by you for you.

Lara L. Designer

"Emily listens to you, without judgement and as an individual. Using her empathy, knowledge and compassion, she seems to effortlessly understand your struggles and hone in on the issue. She instinctively asks pivotal and precise questions which can instantly break your rigid perception of the issue, allowing you to shift your viewpoint, sometimes like a thunderbolt, on the issue. This I have found frees me to use my ADHD strengths, which sharpens my focus to tackle the issue with a more realistic and appropriate approach.

I found Emily’s approach very productive - she doesn't dictate to you WHAT to do -- which makes it feel a little frustrating at times, because you just want to get on with things! -- but she coaches you to come to your own conclusions more quickly and accurately then if you were working out a challenge on your own. This is powerful because you are connected to the solution, as opposed to just following a list.

I believe that this method allows you to develop a very specific and self-connected understanding of why you struggle, which leads you to be able to create your own powerful yet personal methods that will work, because they have been designed by you for you. It also helps that she is such a lovely person!"

My coaching sessions with Emily over the last year have proven to be a happy and inspiring journey. Emily has offered me tools, strategies and understanding. This has led me to create a clear path for redeveloping my current business.

Anita P. Professional Cleaner, Gardener & Organizer

"These coaching sessions with Emily over the last year have proven to be a happy and inspiring journey. I started with a sense of deep confusion, over next career steps, after my adult ADHD diagnosis. How would I ever find work that I could enjoy and maintain? How would I ever get what I wanted done within a constant ADHD inspired muddle?

Emily has offered me tools, strategies and understanding to reframe this early thinking. Her patient and positive approach has taught me to forget about past failures and focus only on strengths. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by daily tasks I look forward to checking off what I now call My Daily Win's! This has led me to create a clear path for redeveloping my current business. An effortless life with ADHD is possible, with the right support. Thank You Emily, I will definitely be back for top up sessions."